Martin de La Soudière List of articlesVol. 53, 2023/3Salvatore Viale, Coutumes et mœurs des Corses. Études critiques, Ajaccio, Éditions Albiana, coll. “Isule litterarie”, translated from the Italian by Ghjacumu Thiers, (1850) 2021, 248 p.ReviewsVol. 51, 2021/3Bernadette LIZET, Le cheval dans la vie quotidienne, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2020, 320 pp.ReviewsVol. 51, 2021/1GeographersA sister disciplineVol. 46, 2016/4From the Capital of Frost to the “Centers of France”. When Measure Means FameCapitals in lowercaseVol. 45, 2015/4The child and his/her surroundings. Growing up with mountainsVol. 39, 2009/4Snow Trails: A Two-Voice DialogueVol. 39, 2009/4IntroductionThe Sky as Field of StudyVol. 34, 2004/4Walking with GeographyTerritories in Question: Routes in TerritoriesVol. 34, 2004/1The Naming and Renaming of TerritoriesTerritories in Question: Routes in TerritoriesVol. 31, 2001/4Children in Their Summer Towns