Martine Segalen

List of articles

Vol. 51, 2021/1


The journal, a fine object

Vol. 50, 2020/1
Vol. 50, 2020/1


Suzanne Tardieu-Dumont (1920–2019)

Vol. 48, 2018/3
Vol. 47, 2017/4
Vol. 47, 2017/3
Vol. 46, 2016/1

In Homage to Jack Goody

A Complete Anthropology: From Africa to a History of the World

Vol. 45, 2015/2
Vol. 38, 2008/2

Rethinking the Ethnology of Sweden

Interview with Orvar Löfgren by Martine Segalen in Her Kitchen on October 14, 2006

Territories in Question: Routes in Territories

Vol. 37, 2007/HS

Jean Cuisenier

Professional Career of a Researcher and His Ethnological Questioning