Sophie Chevalier List of articlesVol. 52, 2022/2Anne Raulin, Sepideh Parsapajouh, Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard (eds.), Ces villes-là. Actualité de Colette Pétonnet, Nanterre, Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2018, 235 pp.Reviews - VariaVol. 51, 2021/1VariaVol. 51, 2021/1(On)lineVol. 42, 2012/3Secondary Residences in Paris: Between the Real City and Her MythTerritories in Question: Routes in TerritoriesVol. 42, 2012/1Strong Local and Family Roots: A Case Study of DoleVol. 37, 2007/2Anthropology of Great Britain: A Flourishing DisciplineIntroduction