Marie Buscatto List of articlesVol. 51, 2021/2Marie Baltazar. Du bruit à la musique. Devenir organiste. Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2019, 273 pp.ReviewsVol. 46, 2016/1Playing and outplaying the gender factor in the artsVol. 38, 2008/1Art and Style: Ethnography and Artistic WorkArt at Work: IntroductionVol. 36, 2006/4The Path of Employment Lost and Businesses in RecollectionRevisiting “Shutdowns, Crises, and Recoveries,” <marquage typemarq="italique">Ethnologie Française, </marquage>2005/4Vol. 33, 2003/4Jamming Makes You SingThe Multiple Facets of a New Jazz PracticeVaria/Nature, Childhood