Recognizing a Regional Culture: Brittany since the Revolution
Regional Cultures
By Fañch Postic, Donatien Laurent, Jean-François Simon, Jean-Yves VeillardEnglish
The elites begin to take an interest in popular culture of oral tradition in the end of the 18th century. This turned into a protest movement in the 1830s that culminated in the parution of the La Villemarqué Barzaz-Breiz in 1839. The controversy about this work in the middle of the 1860s led to the elaboration of a more rigorous methodology for the treatment of oral documents and to a reflexion on the very nature of popular culture. Then, in the first half of the 20th century neodruidism, regionalism and nationalism only arouse a limited interest. Finally the spectacular revival of regional culture in the 1970s led to a real craze today for a culture that is now recognized and shared by a many people of any generation.
- Brittany
- regional culture
- ethnographic museums
- bilinguism
- panceltism
- bard movement