Eternal Provence: Provençal Museology and the Félibrige

Regional Cultures
By Marie-Hélène Guyonnet

Since the creation of the Museon arlaten by Frédéric Mistral in 1896, the Provençal museology owes a great part of its vitality (attested by the existence of some fourty museums) to associations closely related to the Félibrige. While pursuing the ethnographic work of the poet they contribute to “folklorize” the image of Provence and to “reduce” it to the Arlesian Provence. Such an hegemonic reference to Mistral has long prevented the emergence of a truly scientific ethnography of Provence. Museums concerned with the Félibrige, museums of learned societies and écomusées reflect the various conceptions of regionalism and the articulations between the micro-region, the region and the French nation.


  • museography
  • regionalism
  • félibrige
  • folklorization
  • Provence
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