Advertising under a Legal Ban

From Censorship to Self-Censorship: At the Threshold of Tolerance
By Henriette Touillier-Feyrabend

In all European countries advertising is controlled by governments, both in volume and content. In this respect France has by far the most severe legislation regarding more especially unhealthy advertising (sexist, racist, etc.) and advertising of alcohol and tobacco. Despite the 1991 Évin Act that sets very strict limits to the promotion of these last two products by restricting or prohibiting their advertising, France still registers annually 45 000 deaths from alcoholism. On request of French wine producers and with the support of deputies and senators of the wine-producing regions, numerous adjustments and amendments were brought to the Act that weakened it considerably. But in the meantime advertisers had sharpened strategies for circumventing the law.


  • advertising
  • alcohol
  • body
  • public health
  • Évin act
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