Patchwork Memory

Territories in Question: Routes in Territories
Award Ceremony of the Medal of the "Righteous among the Nations"
By Sarah Gensburger

The title of « Righteous among the Nations » has been attributed since 1963 by the State of Israel to honor « the high-minded gentiles who risked their lives to save Jews ». Each nomination goes with the gift of a medal and a diploma to the nominee during an official ceremony. This public event gathers « rescued people » and « rescuers » and members of each family. In this article, the author studies how, through this ceremony, a « patchwork » between different and plural memories can take place. In a common place and time, the different actors crosses institutions, individuals, Jews and non-Jews, living in France or in Israël. How can we explain the use of a single common practice of remembrance by individuals whose social characteristics are different and whose narrations of the past diverge from each other ?


  • memory
  • righteous among the Nations
  • ritual
  • gift
  • exchange
  • bricolage
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