On Some Insular Anthropological Monsters

Territories in Question: Routes in Territories
By Bernard Biancarelli, Christine Bonardi

An island of dreams. A place of beginnings and of endless invasions. A cursed land, with a population whose forefathers practiced cannibalism. A population of Celtic origin, or from Atlantis. These are some of the elements which make up the Corsican cultural heritage and sense of identity, an island whose roots go back to the depths of history, and to the depths of collective imagination and symbolic structuring. In examining and analyzing the different facets of certain factors, the paper opts for a perspective located on the margins, between reality and fiction, a site where certain objects, vectors of culture and of identity, emerge and are transmitted. These vectors are here defined as “anthropological monsters.” Their status is both factual and fantastical. Their study is a matter both of scientific inquiry and of esoteric indulgence. Thanks to their force and to their roots in collective memory they deserve to be considered by way of an anthropological inquiry.


  • history
  • collective imagination
  • anthropology
  • monsters
  • Corsica
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