The Beach beneath the Tortoise: Protected Natural Areas and the Making of Territories in French Guiana

By Gérard Collomb

The “Réserve naturelle de l’Amana” was created to protect the marine turtles which lay their eggs on the beaches of French Guyana. Biologists estimate that they are threatened today by the Amerindian poachers living close to the laying zones. The prohibition of this practice induced the Indians to claim a right to freely collect eggs, referring to “ancestral” practices. But, behind this stake, Amerindians and conservationists try each to impose their point of view: according to an occidental/global conception of Nature, some want to prohibit human predation on an highly symbolic animal; others try to impose the recognition of an identity and a territoriality – each party, advocating its legitimacy, while trying to push forward its own representation of the world.


  • protected natural areas
  • territories
  • Amerindians
  • marine turtles
  • French Guyana
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