Italian Food in Israel: Longing for Europe in the Middle East

By Nir Avieli

Italian food is extremely popular in Israel, second only to the so called Mizrahi (oriental) cuisine. In this paper I explore the meanings attributed by Israeli-Jews to Italian food. I begin by outlining the unique process by which Italian food arrived in Israel. I then argue that Italian food in Israel features a few singular characteristics that make it so popular: the portions are very large, the food is dairy-based and the restaurants are family-friendly. The most intriguing findings, however, concern repeated assertions by cooks and diners that the popularity of this food stems from ecological and sociological affinities between Israel and Italy. I suggest that the preference for Italian food allows Israeli-Jews to imagine themselves as belonging to Europe’s Mediterranean region, thus transcending the Middle East and the complex relations with their Arab/Palestinian neighbors.


  • italian food
  • Israel
  • national identity
  • cuisine
  • imagination
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