The Roma/Gypsy flag: invention, distribution, perception, uses

By Jean-Pierre Cavaillé

The article initially proposes to retrace the history of the birth and diffusion of the green and blue Gypsy flag bearing a wheel, today recognized and raised by individuals and groups claiming to belong to one or other of the multiple groups making up the Roma/Gypsy network all over the world. The paper then presents a series of particularly significant cases, from Brazil, where the official status of the flag was celebrated by Lulla government, to Ukraine. However, in France as elsewhere, his presence remains very discreet in the public life of the communities. Through these case studies, we would like to better apprehend this paradox of the conjonctural hyper-visibility of this flag in the media and its quasi invisibility in the daily life, of its adhesion and its rejection, inseparable from the intrinsic tension between a reference, most often undetermined to a planetary horizon, and very strongly affirmed local and national roots.

  • Gypsies
  • Roma
  • Sinti
  • Romani language
  • Flag
  • Nation
  • People
  • Ethnogenesis
  • IRU
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