Proposing an article
Ethnologie française publishes articles and research reports that pursue the principles of the anthropological process in its broadest sense. The journal gives priority to ethnographic studies that explore the diversity and unity of human and social experience, with a particular focus on Europe. The journal is also open to more theoretical, comparative, or historical contributions.
The journal accepts unsolicited manuscripts (varia) and proposals on specific topics (see “answering a call for papers”). Authors are invited to follow the steps described below.
Manuscripts undergo a process of double blind peer review by two readers. Submissions should be e-mailed to
1. Length and font size
Articles should be between 6,000 and 12,000 words in length, including notes, bibliography, abstracts, and key words, but not including illustrations. A 12-point font should be used throughout the manuscript.
2. Abstracts and keywords
Abstracts in both French and in English of no more than 100 words should be provided. The title and five keywords, also in French and English, should be included. We would like to emphasize the need for clearly written abstracts and highly specific, well-chosen keywords in both languages because many readers and most search engines focus base their searches and evaluations of articles and topics entirely on this information. Abstracts of studies published by the journal are freely available to a worldwide audience via the CAIRN portal in French, English, German, and Spanish. (See
3. Author information
Abstracts should be followed by author/authors’ full name/s and contact information (including postal addresses for journal and “offprints” as well as e-mail addresses) and institutional affiliations. Guidelines for affiliations are as follows:
– Principal affiliation institution/employer (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, EHESS, Max Planck Institute, Casa de Velásquez, Labex TransferS, etc.). Post-doctoral researchers and researchers on short-term contracts should indicate the name of their current employers. Independent researchers or unaffiliated or unfunded scholars may indicate their status if they so desire. Ex.: independent researcher, doctor in sociology, doctoral student in anthropology, etc.
– Laboratories and research teams should be identified by full names rather than acronyms (Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative, Institut des mondes africains). In the event of specific assignments within a laboratory research team, the acronym of the laboratory and name of the team should be provided, such as LISST – Centre d’anthropologie sociale, or IIAC – Laboratoire d’anthropologie des institutions et des organisations sociales.
4. Quotations, references, and notes
Short quotations of three lines or less should appear between quotation marks. Italics are reserved exclusively for foreign language terms, book or journal titles, and, exceptionally, to highlight an idea. Periods fall inside quotation marks when a quotation is a full sentence: “I hate traveling and explorers.” Periods are placed after the closing quotation mark when the quote is a fragment, clause, expression, or word: “one of the sentences in the article”.
Longer quotes of three lines or more should consist of indented paragraphs separated by space breaks above and below, without quotation marks, and in a size 11 font with a 1.25 cm indent:
Ethnologie française publishes articles based on investigations governed by the principles of the anthropological process in its broadest sense. Articles are preferably written in French but may also be in English. The journal gives priority to ethnographies that interrogate the diversity and unity of human and social experience, particularly within Europe, although it remains open to more theoretical contributions, whether comparative or historical.
Avoid bold and underlined fonts
Provide subheadings, using a maximum of two levels
– Footnotes: footnotes should be indicated within the text and must be numbered sequentially using automatic numbering: 1. 2. 3…
5. References
Only references that are explicitly mentioned, quoted, or cited in the text should be included.
Bibliographical references are located at the end of the main body of the article and are distinct from notes. This separate final section is introduced by the following subheading: Bibliographical References (not “Bibliography”).
References should be recorded in brackets within the main body of the text and should include the authors/s’ last name/s (but not first names), date, and if relevant, page number: [Foucault, 1970: 56]. Endnotes may contain but may not be limited to references.
Bibliographical format to be used at the end of the main body:
* Books (when relevant, first edition publishing dates should be included in square brackets):
Durkheim Émile, 2000 [1897], Le Suicide, Paris: Presses universitaires de France, “Quadrige.”
* Two-author projects:
Detienne Marcel & Jean-Pierre Vernant, 1974, Les ruses de l’intelligence. La mètis des Grecs, Paris: Flammarion, “Champs.”
* Multi-authored publications (more than three authors):
The first three names are followed by et al:
Adell Nicolas, Regina Bendix, Chiara Bortolotto, et al. (Eds.), 2015, Between Imagined Communities and Communities of Practice. Participation, Territory and the Making of Heritage, Göttingen: Universitätverlag.
* When author names include an aristocratic particle, the particle follows the forename in lower case:
Certeau Michel de, 1990, La Possession de Loudun, Paris: Gallimard-Julliard.
* Journal articles:
Juhem Philippe, 1995, “Les relations amoureuses des lycéens,” Sociétés contemporaines, 21: 29-42.
Gusterson Hugh, 2007, “Anthropology and Militarism,” Annual Review of Anthropology, 36: 155-175.
For articles in thematic or special issues, issue titles will be listed, including first and last names of issue editor/s, as follows:
Canolli Arsim, 2017, “La culture culinaire du Kosovo: changement et continuité,” Ethnologie française, XLVII, 2 [Gilles de Rapper (Ed.), Albanie. Renaissance d’une discipline]: 289-300.
* Chapters or articles in collective publications:
Joyeux Ludovic, 2004, “Quand l’espace domestique se fait enjeux identitaires: le cas de familles immigrées d’origine algérienne résidant en HLM” in Béatrice Collignon & Jean-François Staszack (Eds.), Espaces domestiques. Construire, habiter, présenter, Paris: Bréal: 125-136.
* Films:
Rouch Jean, 1955, Les Maîtres fous.
6. Illustrations, photographs, diagrams, and maps
Open copyright photographic documents, diagrams, maps, and sketches may be submitted as high-quality paper copies, although digital files are preferred. These graphic documents will only be accepted in jpeg, png, or tiff formats with a minimum definition of 300 dpi, or a minimum file size of 500KB. Captions, including title, place, date, and photographer, should be provided for every image, precise placement in the text should be indicated, and reproduction rights for any document belonging to an agency, or institution and its author, photographer, or illustrator should be included, in addition to written consent of all represented and/or identifiable individuals.